Worship Times:
In-person Saturdays at 5 pm and Sundays at 9:30 am. Sundays are also live-streamed.

St. Paul's Foundation

About the Foundation

St. Paul's Lutheran Church - image of men's chorus
St. Paul's Lutheran Church - image of the word faith
St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Woman playing grand piano

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Foundation was established in 1978.  Membership includes all confirmed members of St. Paul’s.  A six-member Board of Directors is selected from the membership to carry out the responsibilities designated in the by-laws.  Each member is elected for a five-year term and may serve two consecutive terms.  A membership meeting is conducted annually following the congregational meeting.  Election of Directors occurs at this meeting.


  • To encourage special gifts to the church in memorials or bequests.
  • To monitor the use of these gifts in keeping with the donor’s request.
  • To assure the expenditures are in support of Christian outreach, not provided by the general fund.
  • To invest and monitor monies in a responsible and growth-oriented manner.


Share your gift as a Memorial or Perpetual Memorial


Principal amount may be Non-designated (allocated at the discretion of the Board of Directors), or Designated (allocated as requested by the donor for building improvements, education, music, youth needs and/or active congregational group).

Principle amount is invested and interest may be allocated to:

  • General Fund: supporting special projects of the congregation and the community
  • Education Fund: supporting special educational projects of the congregation and the community
  • Scholarship Fund: increasing the fund established in memory of Walter and Verneal Krie, and awarded to an eligible high school graduate for continuing education.

To make a contribution, download the form to the right to print form. Send completed form and gift to:

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
320 West Avenues
Red Wing, MN 55066

If you have questions, concerns or requests, please contact the church office at 388-7106.