Worship Times:
In-person Saturdays at 5 pm and Sundays at 9:30 am. Sundays are also live-streamed.


Make a Difference

St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church ministries are only possible because of volunteers. Would you like to be more involved with the church and its ministries? Think about joining one of our teams. A great way to make a difference! Let the church office know if you are interested or have questions
St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Image of baby at baptism


Welcoming all to the Body of Christ. Let the church office know if you are interested in baptism at 651-388-7106.

Sunday School

For PreK-6th Grade each Sunday. If you have a child you'd like in attendance, please download, fill out the online form and submit.


Confirmation is for youth in grades 7th - 9th. Please call the church office with any questions you may have.


We enjoy an amazing talented choir here at St. Paul's. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact Judy Safe at jdssafe@gmail.com. The Choir meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 8:30am.

Pharm Committee

This committee oversees maintenance, improvements, and use of the pharm property owned by the church. Each year, an Easter service is held on the pharm property at sunrise.

Mary/Martha Quilters

The Mary/Martha Quilters gather in the church basement where they work on quilting and assembling blankets of love. The Quilters meet every Tuesday from 9am - 11:30. If you would like to join this ministry, please contact us!

Contact the church office at 651-388-7106

First Communion

Open to all children 3rd grade and older. This Sacrament is taught by Kathy Cordes. At the end of the classes there is a special retreat with stations of the Cross to instill the meaning of this Holy Sacrament to our young members. Please reach out to the church office for any questions. The classes are held in February and March with the First Communion being held around Maundy Thursda

Ruth Anna / WELCA
More information coming shortly



Risers is the men's adult Bible study group that meets Tuesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Red Wing. We meet in the fellowship room where a hot breakfast is served followed by a discussion of the upcoming Sunday's lessons. There is a very informal discussion with about 10 men present. At this time, we have members from three different churches attending. We end our session at 8:15 a.m. Risers has been meeting for over 50 years and we have discussed a variety of Biblical topics. All men in the community are invited and are encouraged to attend. You do not have to belong to a church to join us. Our last meeting for this season will be Tuesday, May 21st after which we will break for the summer. We will resume meeting the day after Labor Day, being Tuesday, September 3rd. Remember, all men are welcome to attend. Hope to see you there.

Prayer Shawls/ Family Knitting

Prayer Shawl knitting is held every Wednesday at 2pm in our gathering area. There is a family knitting night the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 6:30pm

Book Club!

November 20th 6pm

Youth Group

Activities Planned: October 26th 3-5 pm - Pumpkin Carving night November 16th 6-9pm Cozy Campfire Bash