Councils & Teams
Working Together

Church Council and Ministry Teams
INVITE Ministry Team
Julie Maxwell (Council Rep) Lois Hesford, Julie Erickson, Leona Haupt, Pam Horlitz, Debbie Petrich, Jane Lindell
In our desire to share the Gospel with all in our community and in the world, we are committed to stimulating evangelistic efforts in all dimensions of the life of the church and equipping all of our members in their work of spreading God’s love. Evangelism, outreach, and hospitality are some of our primary concerns.
ENCOURAGE Ministry Team
Darlene Schade, Sam Johnson, Nancy Risberg ( Council Rep), Ruth Rothchild
God so loved the world, and so should we. We will spread the Gospel by personal contacts and through existing ministries, increasing our commitment to social action, social education and social services. This is the connecting arm to the church at large (ELCA) and other benevolence programs supported by St. Paul’s.
GIVE Ministry Team
Laurie Hinrichs (Council Rep) John Hesford, Tom Koester, Judy Levers
We were created in the image of a good and generous God. We will, therefore, strive to develop the practice of Christian stewardship among the members of St. Paul’s by nurturing the desire to respond to Christ’s call to give of our time, talents and treasure for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
WORSHIP Ministry Team
Bonnie Koester ( Council Rep) , Karen Seaberg, Lois Hughes, Jeanie Simon, Pam Johnson
Ensure opportunities for rich and meaningful worship experiences. Special music, varied liturgies, current technologies, occasional services, and decorations in seasonal settings are some of our worship considerations.
SERVE Ministry Team
Braham Gadient(Council Rep), Al Risberg, Dennis Cordes, Paul Schade, Matthew Thoms, Scott Safe, Sally Haase
The beautiful building and grounds of St. Paul’s exist only to provide a place for members and guests to grow in their faith and discipleship. We will oversee our property resources by providing adequate and proper safeguards of physical assets, monitor building operations and support the maintenance of our building, grounds and facilities
YOUTH Ministry Team
Chris Boyle (Council Rep) Tira Petersen, Amy Gadient, Kate Callstrom, Abby Larson, Julia Boyle
Responsible for appropriate nurture and support for St. Paul’s youth and their families. This includes an overall attempt to help youth grow in providing, sharing, and receiving ministry, inside and outside of the congregation.

Our Leadership Team
Pastor Amy Zalk Larson –
Jaimie Holt –
Andrew Petersen – A.PETERSEN828@GMAIL.COM
Bob Haseley –
Courtney Snyder
Calli Ekblad –